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I’ve watched films and TV shows, but none of them compare to anime for how relatable the characters are.
Which is weird since anime characters are fictional and made up down to the last hairs on their head.The thing I love about anime is it’s NOT just pure entertainment, it’s also inspirational. It makes you want to do something in your life.
It gives you reasons to become more than you are, and make something of yourself.
The anime image above is a horror series (Another). Not the kind of show you think of in terms of ”inspiration”, but inspiration is everywhere if you look.
added by Anonymous 1233 days ago 1    0

Do you enjoy watching Animie??

Yes I have too say I like watching shows like Inuyasha, Naruto, Dr Stone and many more, I know they are on Netflix and Crunchyroll streaming platforms. Oh yeah can't forget about Attack On Titan. Also I watch Animie on Adult Swim.

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