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There's no bad game unless it's principles are violeted. Same applies to politics, it's politicians with selfish interests that makes politics to appear as a dirty game. Most politicians in developing countries such as in in Africa, they don't know how politics is played since they were no orientated leadership skills and end up promising what they can deliver while misusing public resources. Politics is a good game because it determines everything in life.
added by Anonymous 999 days ago 0    0

Yes it wasnt abad game, but what makes it bad are ones who came with their ambitions, they promises heaven and earth and after going through they forgot what they said and they end up making it abad game.
added by Anonymous 1168 days ago 0    0

It may be used positively in the context of a "political solution" which is compromising and non-violent,[1] or descriptively as "the art or science of government", but also often carries a negative connotation.[2] For example, abolitionist Wendell Phillips declared that "we do not play politics; anti-slavery is no half-jest with us."[3] The concept has been defined in various ways, and different approaches have fundamentally differing views on whether it should be used extensively or limitedly, empirically or normatively, and on whether conflict or co-operation is more essential to it.
added by Anonymous 1241 days ago 3    0

For most people who has trust it is not but of the Africans it it turning to be bad because we real don't know how to make it.
added by 1000945510 1244 days ago 3    0

Politics is not a bad game in nature because it is a professional service to the population, globally, and that is why we have laws to follow, a thing which distinguishes Man from Animals.
When you become a politician, you become a leader. This means you must know or learn the qualities of a leader so that the people you are leading will not be turned as your slaves.
African leaders are the ones who are filled with greed,and can not accept to leave seats when time comes for a change. Political seats are not permanent at all,if you want to develop your area or country.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1244 days ago 4    0

Politics have never been a bad game maybe it is said to be dirty when it changes its state from being clean to unclean,otherwise its not a bad game
added by Anonymous 1244 days ago 3    0

Politics never been a bad game in civilised countries where there's democracy , not in African countries where the leaders see there opponents as enemies.
added by 1000982011 1245 days ago 4    0

Politics Aren't Bad Game In The Real World.

Politics arent a messy and volatile subject because it can be enobbling proffession if the politician is strong enough to stay true to the reasons they choose to purse it.
As its the quality of the politics that determines the quality of our lives. Politics by its nature knocks our door even if we tend to ignore what goes around .If it is something that can't be avoided then it should be something we need to deal with properly as it helps us know our rights and responsibilities.
So dont darken the politics with wet environment!.

How do you vote?

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politics is a bad game in the real world ,this is because it involves a lot of bad habits such as corruption ,black mail, intimidation, killing of of opponets and so many other dirty games .
added by Anonymous 1218 days ago 0    0