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Singing strengthens the immune system
According to research conducted at the University of Frankfurt, singing boosts the immune system. The study included testing profesional choir members’ blood before and after an hour-long rehearsal singing Mozart’s “Requiem”. The researchers noticed that in most cases, the amount of proteins in the immune system that function as antibodies, known as Immunoglobulin A, were significantly higher immediately after the rehearsal. The same increases were not observed after the choir members passively listened to music.
Singing is a workout
For the elderly, disabled, and injured, singing can be an excellent form of exercise. Even if you’re healthy, your lungs will get a workout as you employ proper singing techniques and vocal projections. Other related health benefits of singing include a stronger diaphragm and stimulated overall circulation. Since you pull in a greater amount of oxygen.
added by Anonymous 1240 days ago 1    0

Yah,as far as l know life,singing can easily change you or turn you,according to its compact.
When you are singing, you really feel highly, you are smiling, you are enjoying, you are fighting stress out of your mind.
History indicates that singers live longer,if not accidents which can not be avoided.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1243 days ago 2    0

Singing Is A Stress Reliever,Try It Freely And Change Your Minds.

Research shows that singing decreases symptoms of anxiety,stress and depression.It can also memorialise language and concentration,so by taking a little tine like 10 minutes and sing can be helpful to your health.
Singing is fun and so when you participate in fun activities your body releases endorphins and this helps to circulate the stress chemicals out of your body faster.

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