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Weaknesses make me dependent on others. Without my weaknesses, I would never notice the truly great strengths in others. When I'm as objective as I can be, people who are truly gifted at the things I do cause me to express gratitude to be around people better than me. We all need people who are better than we are. Our proper dependence on others (not co-dependence) makes us better.
Weaknesses make me empathetic of others. Were it not for my own weaknesses, I'd judge you. I'm way too quick to judge and criticize others when they are weak where I might be strong. Judgment separates. Strength comes through unity. Weaknesses remind me that no one is perfect, including me, and that makes me more understanding, more credible, and more of a team player.
added by Anonymous 1239 days ago 1    0

Is it a weakness to express gratitude?

When others recognize our worth and our abilities and thank us for what we do, it makes us happy. On the other hand, when no one expresses their gratitude to us for our work and the way we use our abilities, we are discouraged.
Is it a weakness to express gratitude?

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Not really. It is always better to express gratitude towards someone depending on what he or she has done for you. It is a kind of blessing to the same Person.
added by 1001022239 1241 days ago 2    0

No,it is not weakness. Gratitude is very much needed to who ever does something good, in conduct,word or service.
Even the Creator, ALLAH, said," of you pray,ask for anything, l will give you,and if you say thanks,that is gratitude, l will add
And if we go back to culture, people who do not thank others, do not receive gifts,times and times,and times. He gets once,keeps quiet,and makes the end of getting any more.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1242 days ago 2    0