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A systems project manager with 30 years experience at a Fortune 500 company is suddenly downsized. A college student is trying to find summer employment related to her major. The parent of a high school student is helping students set up job shadow experiences. These are perfect situations where a network can be useful.
Learning how to build and engage your network effectively is a vital Career Literacy™ skill. Often misunderstood, networking and its value are underestimated. Once learned, however, it becomes a way of life, improving access to information and resources that can make everyone’s life easier – whether seeking a job, industry information, a reliable babysitter or a plumber in your neighborhood!
added by Anonymous 1239 days ago 2    0

Assisting others to achieve their success is what we call networking. Pro or no?

Network marketing is the only industry in business where contribution plays such an important role in achieving wealth. It does not need qualifications as in many businesses. It only need discipline and good relationship among people, because, many do not know about your opportunity, unless you tell them about it.
And to accept it,you first create friendship, because people like to follow those they know.
All these needs skills which can help you to conquer people's minds.

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