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Some of us our past experience is the reasonn why we work day and night with determination to see that there's change because it's too bad to recall those memories and end up loosing the molarol of changing the worst into the best.
added by Anonymous 1171 days ago 0    0

This is true, clinging to negative past events can stop you or delay you from being who you are supposed to be and realizing your maximum potential in all life aspects be it business and family. We only ought to learn from them but not let them hinder us in any way
added by 1001136080 1236 days ago 4    0

Sometimes, your past difficult experiences interfere against your will with your life today

Clinging to the past,especially the negative past,can wreak havoc in your organisational progress and personal peace.
Do not let your past events rob you of life quality today.
So,comfort your fears , prepare yourself with courage. You may be carrying memories that are stored at that time when you had limited understanding.
Self encouragement and realistic skills are much important.

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