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Sickle cells are very dangerousl in that once lady gets pregnant many complicatios come up and she might loose her child or ever her life, therefore ladies with such dis an easily adopt children than producing so as to save many lives
added by 1000965722 1228 days ago 2    0

Female with suck cells mostly its difficult to get pregnant

I don't know neither agree with you
Because nothing impossible with God
added by 1000923395 1229 days ago 1    0

For Females with Sickle Cells,Having Pregnancy Is Very Bad.

As you know there are higher chances of death and more complications. As women with sickle cells are more likely to have problems during pregnancy that can affect their health and that of their unborn baby. During the pregnancy .the disease can become more severe and increased risks of significant complications including pretern delivery,fetal growth restriction or still birth.

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