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Everyone in this world needs to own at least a small piece of land, or a house or an apartment Everyone in this world needs to own at least a small piece of land, or a house or an apartment
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 0    0

Life is more easier if you own your place than renting it . Buy real estates , YEM & Gold now if you have the chance to do so !
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 0    0

Yes though slowly coming down as UEN seem to be increasing daily..the use Yem or Investing in Yem is something worth for now which has to be considered as
added by Anonymous 682 days ago 0    0

Real estate investment is good amongst other investment ventures because it gives leverage on investment. Secondly Real estate is not highly affected by the inflation as compared to other investments but there's a difference between being in Real Estate business and just owning your home in order to avoid renting and Real Estate differs depending on a particular country .
added by Anonymous 990 days ago 0    0

With twinkle estate being put in the Blockchain technology, anyone can own fractional ownership of any entity in the world. Hence there is chance for anyone to be a landlord without having fortunes of money to invest but investing less and riping alot. All have been made possible BZ of YEM and it's subcoin the twinkeestate coin(TEC)
added by 1000913115 1313 days ago 0    0

Food clothing and shelter are the basic needs of every individual. Among the various investments ,real estate investments are the best because it is the safest investment and gives higher returns in the long run. Investment amount may differ from time to time. But returns are assured
added by Anonymous 1314 days ago 0    0

Real estate help to make other investment since u can save money that u could be using for rent and its natural desire for every one to have a house or land on this planet so setting the stable status of real estate since the demanding is ever rising due to rising population
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 1    0

That's quite true because you got to have your own house not renting because renting always has to take a percentage of your monthly salary or income and hence your savings would reduce
added by 1001100004 1316 days ago 2    0

That's quite true because you got to have your own house not renting because renting always has to take a percentage of your monthly salary or income and hence your savings would reduce.
But if you have your own house ,ur savings would increase.
added by 1001108989 1316 days ago 3    0

Actually real estate are considered a solid because you decide on your own, there's inflation, mortgage payments are normally covered, there's tax benefits, long term financial security and steady income
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 2    0

It's true because I have many guys in real estate businesses progressing rapidly. The value of land is appreciating everyday there by real estate becoming a stable business. I concur with you that real estate is next to YEM and gold.
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 2    0

Real Estate Investments are one the most secured investments aside from YEM and Gold

Real Estates , aside from YEM and Gold are considered as the most solid & secured investments . Everyone in this world needs to own at least a small piece of land, or a house or an apartment as your dwelling place.
Owning one for yourself and not renting on it month after month is part of our basic needs.
Life is more easier if you own your place than renting it . Buy real estates , YEM & Gold now if you have the chance to do so !

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Shares beat Property investment in the long term plus Property crashes can happen although not as often as shares.
added by 1000000338 1316 days ago 0    0