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For sure God Surprise his people when they are not even planed for something but by the grace of our God who does wounders can Surprise and the world cofirms it. People tend to say that it is imposible but with God everything is possible.
added by Anonymous 1163 days ago 0    0

Definitely your right. the moment we get more weak and hopeless its when Gods hand comes and offers help to us and sometimes we get to know his power after going through all hardships.
added by Anonymous 1222 days ago 3    0

God always surprises when we don't expect his appearance in us

Most of the times we may feel like we are down that life has come to an end , when we feel like giving up on our selves,,some times we feel like God is not on our side ,we cry all the long ,we feel like we are tired and nothing in our life can change, when we feel that we are failures in life ,we some times opt for taking our lives because we may not see God's appearance in us , brothers and sisters Always know that God surprises when we don't expect him in our lives ,he surprises us at the time when we are down we sometimes wonder how he does his things but that's the might God we believe in .our God is Soo amazing

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