Card image cap feelings and love it's self are 2 different things.
1- feelings can feed away...
2-Feelings are not permanent...
3-feelings can Rise and Fall...
4- feelings are stubborn..
While as love it's self...
1- love is faultless...
2- love doesn't see others imperfection
3- love is the start of every Beginning.
added by ELVIS AGABA 988 days ago 1    0

A feeling can change anytime depending on which situation you are in however love is also discribed as afeeling one gets towards the other
added by 1000965722 1314 days ago 0    0

Yah, feeling is emotional and just happens when disturbed. With Love, it is far different. Love developes from inside the heart and it just grows, from small to extremely true love. And when it starts to, it's really a very big disappointment which can even result in death. Let's learn to keep our love.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1315 days ago 0    0

Feelings are real different from love because love is a devotion to something you choose to love but feelings change everything minute which sometimes lead to lusts
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 1    0

Yes because feelings can be motivated by lust while love is a total devotion , where some gives or pours out her or his heart to show how much you love .
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 2    0

The difference between feelings and love is that feelings just continue to be feelings that may be relied upon , but wholly for the sensations of each other's body
Love rather goes a whole lot deeper in the logical and intellect parts of the mind.
added by Anonymous 1316 days ago 2    0

Yes it's definitely different feeling is brought be hormones or touch and love comes in the way that after seeing something then u follow in love of it
added by 1001045708 1316 days ago 2    0

I think feelings are different from love

Feelings are brought about by hormones which keep on changing day and day, therefore someone who tells you that I have feelings for you will soon loose them since the hormones change. But love is a choice, you chose to love someone not just being taken by feelings, take an example of God, He chose to love us not that it was a feeling to love

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