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True drivers has been so careless to there life because they drive rashly due to need of money (returns),others they over drink hence causing road accidents
added by 1001100493 1213 days ago 2    0

Careless drivers cause road accidents because of drinking while driving, texting while driving and so own and so forth.
added by Anonymous 1214 days ago 3    0

Road accidents are mostly caused by careless drivers

Road accidents have become a song of the day in most countries. According to me, these are mainly caused by reckless drivers who don't obey road usage rules and regulations. They drive while drunk, they overtake, they drive speedy and among others

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It is well known that accident has no formula meaning,anything can happen anytime, so long as you are on the traffic.
There many careless drivers who do not cause accidents, and have driven for years,stubbornly, on roads!!!
Good luck can be considered here also and mechanical faults as well.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1214 days ago 2    0