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It is very true,
Because people try their best to see that they live a happy life while miss using other creatures lives, you May find someone looking for wealth in a sinful way while giving out sacrifice of defferent kind animals.
added by Anonymous 1160 days ago 0    0

For sure animals were created on the earth to fear why because it was given by God but was given love to it's young ones and in a time of mating better than people.
added by 1001031254 1213 days ago 2    0

This is true, and this is seen when animals fight each other in such for food like predators killing their potential preys to feed on them including even young ones.
added by Anonymous 1213 days ago 2    0

Yes,animals see the Earth as a threat to them because it was created for them to feed on each other.
Most wild animals feed on fresh meat. And when it comes to animal families, mating is by force,there is no compromise and their love is so little because of the little brain which they have.
But it is not suffering for them,and they do not have any sin because they don't have laws to follow like human beings.
Humans make sins by breaking laws which were given to them to follow.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1213 days ago 2    0

Animals also see this world as a threat to them

Animals also face it rough in this sinful world. They fight day and night so as they can survive. His is seen in quest for food, mates, and in protecting their young ones from potential predators. Sin didn't affect man only and make this world hard for him but also made it hard for animals

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