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Gold s Always dug from the ground not from the sky, so the poor people you despise also have ideas that can be useful to anyone at any time.
added by Anonymous 1201 days ago 0    0

True if you grow rich people respect you,forexample in da weddings,churches rich people are the one to sit in front seats bcz he or she have money he can aspeak agood point than those sitting behind money talks

added by 1001100493 1201 days ago 0    0

To some extent poor people's ideas are not good because most of the time they are arrogant for the time being rich that's when the poor people become respectful.
added by 1001031254 1203 days ago 2    0

Many people think poor people's ideas are stupid,but when they grow rich,they want to listen to them

We have to learn to be valuable. It is lack of value that people despise the poor. Who can respect someone without value? Nobody can do it,in fact !!
Money is one of the tools which bring value to man and is one of the equipments in success. When one gets money and become rich,people respect him and value him,that is why they give him their time and listen to his ideas.
Value yourself and people will value you. Value your work. Value other people. If you do this,people will like to listen to your ideas.

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