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Ah! Ce n'est pas facile dèh.J'ai du mal a expliqué à une personne qui ne crois pas en Dieu de croire en à Dieu.Mais il suffit de lui faire comprendre que c'est quelqu'un qui dirige le monde.
added by Anonymous 1200 days ago 1    0

Being a true believer in God is not quit an easy thing but once call upon His name and ask Him to help u to start trusting and loving Him regardless of the situation at hand, then being a believer becomes very easy as u start to see and feel God's presence manifest in every thing sorrounding u
added by Anonymous 1201 days ago 1    0

I am a true believer of God. There are so many things that happen and one wonders as to why they had to happen and why. God works in many mysterious ways. God is always there watching us and protecting us when in need. In all ways. In most cases when I pray with belief, my prayers are answered though with patience. God doesn't rash, its all with pstience .
added by Anonymous 1204 days ago 0    0

I believe in God too. The God I have never seen. That is faith. I believe in the God of power and command. God gave us commandments to guide us through life.
added by Anonymous 1206 days ago 1    0

Are you a believer in God pro or no be proud to say it now

A believer is a person who has strong faith and passion in something, it's always hard to show that a person is a believer in God most especially when he or she is around people who criticize God , it's funny because we watch Jesus film and we always say I can give ma life because of Jesus but when a certain bad thing happens to you always you forget God and start cursing the day you became a believer in God,we have to be proud that we are believers in God .

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