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The major problem of African countries is leadership including Uganda. Most African countries are blessed naturally with various natural resources and weather but due to poor leadership, most African people are living in absolute poverty designed by their leaders and the same applies to Uganda.
added by Anonymous 993 days ago 0    0

Being termed as the pearl of Africa, Uganda needs democracy within to bring peace within. The nature of the country by itself is so peaceful, blessed with the vegetation and the favourable climate, so one needs to abide by the people's choice through democracy
added by Anonymous 1198 days ago 4    0

Uganda only needs democracy to became Heaven on earth

Uganda is blessed by God, see the climate, fertile soils, forest, mountains,wildlife, etc so we need a leader who we will take this country as a home.
So this leader must increase not decrease what we have so let's prayer for that then poverty will be no more in our country because we will use what we have to get what we don't have

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