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It is very true because ounce you drink water in the morning you awaken your system in that you your work perfectly until you get breakfast when you are strong enough.
added by Anonymous 1147 days ago 0    0

un pahar de apa la temperatura corpului bauta cu inghitituri mici este necesara organismului tinand cont ca in timpul somnului corpul pierde electroliti, adica apa si saruri minerale prin transpiratie.
added by Anonymous 1195 days ago 1    0

Drinking a cup of water first thing in the morning brightens up your day.

The first thing I always try to put in my stomach is always a cup of warm water. At times I have three cups at different times. Doing this for the first time, it tastes wierd but once it becomes a habit..its good to go and very healthy. Its a great opening of the mind and even for the digestive system.

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