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En cuisinant chez soit on prend soin de la propriété et du temps a ce que la nourriture soit saine.
added by Anonymous 1178 days ago 0    0

Nous ne sommes pas sans savoir qu’une hygiène de vie saine commence par une bonne alimentation, varié, équilibré et fait maison.
En ce temps de covid 19 pas besoin d'être un cordon bleu pour concocter vos menus de la semaine. Cuisiner maison comme le faisaient nos grands-mères permet de se réapproprier les aliments, leur odeur, leurs textures, sans transformation ni déformation chimique pour une meilleure santé et éviter le covid 19. En évitant de tousser en le faisant dans votre coude loin de la nourriture et laver les mains après. Laver les surfaces de travail et les vaisselles.
Bien cuire les aliments, laver les fruits et les légumes car les virus sont sensibles aux désinfectants tel que l’eau de javel et le savon.

added by 1000830447 1184 days ago 0    0

I prefer home cooked foods any time but this pandemic period has made it a must with little or no alternative.
Nothing can be as healthy as knowing what you are ingesting at each meal; where the ingredients were obtained and how the food was prepared. I think it is the principal thing to do in order to stay healthy and avoid covid-19. It is a must for me and my family.
added by 1000851268 1187 days ago 0    0

Yes I believe cooking your food in the house is the best in this covid time . You know what goes into it and how you should combine the various ingredients to boost your immune system to withstand the covid infection.
Eating hot food from the house is the best and I do support that
added by Anonymous 1195 days ago 5    0

Hot foods are always better to avoid infected with the Covid19 virus. Because one is so sure that they are going to use clean utensils and all germs are killed.
added by Anonymous 1195 days ago 3    0

Yah,home cooked foods is far better, not only in pandemic ,but always!!
For me,l always eat my food at home,so contented and full love.
Even party foods,even if they cook how,in any style,it can not be enjoyed as home food.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1195 days ago 4    0

So great and nutritious to have home cooked food. A meal that is cooked from home is fresh and one knows how and what was put in that meal. Also staying healthy by eating a meal that is directly from being cooked. Such a meal one is quiet sure of the hygiene of the place where it was prepared from.
added by Anonymous 1195 days ago 4    0

Home cooked meals are the best in this pandemic period !

Cleanliness is next to Godliness , the best practice for a healthy lifestyle especially this pandemic time.
Hot foods are always better to avoid infected with the Covid19 virus .
Cooking & preparing your own food is the safest and most secured you can do in terms of cleanliness !

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