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Piggery farming is also important as aside business also it needs alot of care by giving them enough feeds,spraying them and even medicine for internal worms
added by 1001100493 1195 days ago 4    0

Yeah its so important to know how to manage piggery farming. Apart from a clean sty, one should be able to give the pigs enough feeds. I am trying to manage mine,though am being let down by poor time management of feeding time by my worker. But I will pull through all this.
added by Anonymous 1195 days ago 4    0

Haha pig business is the real deal. Alot of big rich people have been made through piggery. Most people complain on the feeding.
added by Anonymous 1195 days ago 4    0

How make money in piggery farming in every level

Piggery farming is very profitable in these days. So you need to know the following:
1. Mind the you build your sty
The sty must be easy to clean and big enough for pig to be free
2.You must mind even the cleanness of the sty
3.The bleed which will grow in a big size

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