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For sure has taken many lives of people because it has no medicine than the heart attack and others they take long when on treatment.
added by Anonymous 1147 days ago 0    0

It's hasn't reached the number of heart disease only that the rate and shorted period of time it's taking lives is scaring than that of heart problem.
added by Anonymous 1179 days ago 0    0

Is COVID-19 taking more lives then heart attacs and strokes

Do you think COVID-19 is more dangerous then cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes?
By me the CVDs are much more dangerous then COVID-19, as they take almost 10-times more lives per year then COVID-19 (by WHO).

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No. Not to mention, the average age of death for covid is higher than the average human lifespan. FEAR PORN
added by Anonymous 1188 days ago 5    0