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It is very good i agree but very risky because underground minerals are very difficult to get, many die in the minery and live life with out enjoying their sweats.
added by Anonymous 1171 days ago 0    0

Mining is good and its also bad because in the process someone can lost both life and mineral at the same time when someone succeed he will gain from the material he has got which can even change his life
added by Anonymous 1191 days ago 2    0

Mining it's very good because when do that we expect wealthy in life but most of the time it takes time to get it. much as takes time but patience pain but pays.
added by 1001031254 1191 days ago 2    0

Mining is very good but it is also very bad

Mining involves extraction of natural minerals like: gold, platinum, diamond among others from the earth. This involves excavation deep into the earth leaving open pits which may act as bidding sites for rebels( threatening security) among others

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