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It's because president Donald Trump never followed the normal procedure of power transfer from one administration to another due to his claims of vote irregularities with the mail in voting and it was evidenced in various states were invalid voters were eligible to vote in favour of president Biden and thus never conceded to president Biden.
added by Anonymous 1004 days ago 0    0

In life we live with example, May be Biden wanted to show the world that even thou you deffer in some things but uniting is the best way of solving some issues.
added by Anonymous 1168 days ago 3    0

The swearing-in of Joe Biden has been held amidst mixed messages by both administrations

At the swearing-in of the 46th American president Joe Biden, both the Trump and Biden administrations sent mixed messages to the world. With Joseph Biden inviting the previous presidents of America, Trump absconding the ceremony and Mike Pence in full attendance the world has been left to wonder what the Biden administration is planning to do to President Trump.

How do you vote?

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