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For sure if you have wealth that means you have everything on your table at anytime. Therefore we have to work hard in order obtaine what we really want to have.
added by Anonymous 1173 days ago 0    0

Wealth is to be gain through struggles.. let your wealth reflect a true dignity.. you worth nothing more than your dignity and your dignity is what you have intern of Assets/properties and integrity!

Any wealth gain in bad way bring bad dignity and shameful reputation!

Your dignity is what you do!
added by 1001172445 1190 days ago 3    0

Wealth acquired unjustly from others makes you miss your forces of thinking and blessings. Pro or no

It was not intended that people should be poor. We have either to sweat or to think, using brain to acquire wealth.
When wealth is obtained understand the proper conditions,it broadens life.
Everything has a good use and a bad use. Like wealth itself, the forces of mind can be directed either for good or for evil !
A little rest will recreate those forces,while too much rest will degenerate into laziness and brainless !!
Through wealth, we can do things to uplift ourselves and humanity.
Wealth is many people's goal.

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