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In life our mindset is full of thoughts, some of them are positive others are negative. There you start battling the two, if you not strong enough and knowing what you want, you might end up getting nothing.
added by Anonymous 1174 days ago 0    0

Good thoughts depends on what you are
Bad thoughts olso depends no what you are.
Looking toward is the good idea for every one and good friends.
added by Anonymous 1189 days ago 2    0

A particular thought persisted in,good or bad, can't fail to produce its results on the character an

We can not directly choose our circumstances, but we can choose our thoughts, and so,indirectly shape our circumstances.
Nature helps us to the gratification of encouraging thoughts ,and opportunities are presented which will most speedily bring to the surface both the good and bad thoughts.
Let us cease from our negative thoughts, and all the world will soften towards us. Put away weak and sickly thoughts, and opportunities will spring up every hand to aid our strong resolve. Encourage good thoughts.

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