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The bad thing God hid our hearts, people do good to others not expecting anything in return,but others help while expecting it back and at the end become disappointed.
That's why you find everyone alone.
added by Anonymous 1171 days ago 0    0

Am the real example I always help people but they don't help me...when ever am in struggle only God helps me other just run away
added by 1001067677 1186 days ago 1    0

Yes even me I wander why helpful people are not helped and some time if u help athers they return jerracy to you.
added by Anonymous 1187 days ago 4    0

I totally agree with you. Most of nice people are ever lonely..

Nice people are always lonely. And what could be the reason behind that.
added by 1000923395 1187 days ago 5    0

Nice and genius people are mostly lonely sometimes because of the gift they have, it takes time find genius person that can fit in their shoes. When the right person come he/she will never be separated under any circumstances because will exactly know how fight against it.
added by Anonymous 1187 days ago 4    0

Nice people or generous people are mostly lonely.

Most nice people help others in all sorts of ways, who then in most cases end up taking advantage of the situation. When the nice person in turn reaches out for assistance, they are mostly denied the assistance they requested for which gets them feel treated unfairly.

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Being nice to others and helping them in their times of needs attract the receiver to the giver. The good times roll and the kind man is ever willing to render help when necessry. The problem is that when the generous person falls on hard time no one believes him even when he says so. No one wants to help because they assume he is pretending. His friends will desert him and call him bad names. He is alone and rejected by those who benefitted from his large heart.
added by 1000851268 1186 days ago 3    0

I don't agree on this but what I know is only people who are selfish and greedy who always lonely because they feel bad to share with others.
But people always want people next to them .
added by Anonymous 1187 days ago 4    0