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The best part of eating a bag of chips, the chips themselves or licking the flavored dust off your fingers?
added by Anonymous 836 days ago 0    0

always rush through the chips while I look forward to enjoy the "bottom part." Soon as I am done with eating the chips, I settle down to lick the spicy dust and particles which I love.
added by Anonymous 906 days ago 0    0

the chips themselves or licking the flavored dust off your fingers? Vote PRO if you like the chips the best, vote NO if you like the flavored dust the best.
added by Anonymous 906 days ago 0    0

Chips is the best when its comes enjoying it with friends or family....such memories is favourites.
added by 1000923395 1555 days ago 1    0

Chips look so good and they are very sweet .
When a bag of chips z taken most probably wiz a friend it builds the love in people. Chips are gd with liver
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 1    1

Yes I like the chips and enjoy them always because they're very delicious when they're well prepared for a meal
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 1    0

What is the best part of a bag of chips?

What do you think, what is the best part of eating a bag of chips, the chips themselves or licking the flavored dust off your fingers? Vote PRO if you like the chips the best, vote NO if you like the flavored dust the best.

How do you vote?

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Whenever I get hold of a bag of chips, my mind goes to the down part of the bag where the best part is.
I always rush through the chips while I look forward to enjoy the "bottom part." Soon as I am done with eating the chips, I settle down to lick the spicy dust and particles which I love.
added by 1000851268 1398 days ago 2    0