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In a journey of success what you should put in mind first is that, You are going to find tough challenges but it doesn't mean you give up, you have to keep the spirit until your achieve your dreams.
Most of the times we learn from mistakes.
added by Anonymous 1165 days ago 1    0

This is also another mentality that we need another way we need to view things.... We have gat to understand that not everything we want in life we will get and with you accepting that in your life lossing and not achieving might have became lighter
added by 1000998610 1167 days ago 1    0

Failure is a part of success. If you do not try you will not fail. It is by trying and failing they you will one day succeed. Therefore failure is not an offence, what matters is what we learned from our failures. We are supposed to improve with each failure and that is what matters.
added by 1000851268 1167 days ago 1    0

Disappointment, falling is all a part of life due to life is journey. Who do you think to walk a smoothly journey? No you have to fall in order to experience the power of riches and we all learn from our mistakes
added by 1000950467 1175 days ago 6    0

Our failures are like transportation to success. We get to know our mistakes, weaknesses and friends while in the journey through failures.
added by Anonymous 1175 days ago 6    0

Don’t be disappointed by failing, coz it’s not everything is meant to be achieve!

Some people easily get discourage in life whenever there’s a little twist in their dreams, but remember.. “In Life, you must fail in certain things to understand what it means to achieve something.

The first trial is mostly a step to success, it Shows people what hard work means.
The first steps of life are foremost of failing which fuel up energy to struggle harder.

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some of us choose to fail. if you can list done things you have never failed to do like having sex, watching my football team playing, calling my girlfriend atleast i borrow airtime. then things i have failed to do Start an online business which is even free, ready a business book, talk to people and get paid etc . there if i commit myself on achieving i will fail, stand and keep moving until i achieve
added by Anonymous 1169 days ago 0    1