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As humans living in 3/4/5 dimensions we would do well to be open and friendly to other lifeforms here on earth or extraterrrestial . That way our chances of speeding up our evolution will be enhanced in that we will not have to struggle to discover some things considered obvious in other civilizations.
added by Anonymous 1311 days ago 1    0

Sasquatch are real sentient beings that live on planet Earth.

We have all heard the stories, maybe you even experienced some strange occurrence in the woods or during the day or night.

While many people keep saying "Sasquatch is a conspiracy theory" there have been thousands of people around the world who have experienced things that cannot be explained any other way.

There is a hunter/guidesman, who has been sharing the stories of these eye witnesses in videos for years, he has even shared his own personal experiences he had while hunting in the woods. They have tested DNA and cannot explain it away, there have been footprint casts, video footage that still over 30 years later cannot be debunked, and so many people sharing encounters with these beings.

Sometimes the encounters are helpful, some have reportedly been carried out of the woods by these beings after getting themselves injured and have been taken to where other people could help by the Sasquatch beings, other encounters have been scary for people, and there are some people who are trying to hunt these Sasquatch beings down to kill them, which probably explains why the Sasquatch beings keep themselves hidden so much. Still the stories persist, the encounters continue, and there is still much left unexplained.

Native peoples in North America and many others around the world have stories handed down from generations and some live in a peaceful coexistence with these Sasquatch beings. Yet this is not something talked about in the Western world much, at least not in the respectful way the Native peoples do.

So it's time to rip the band-aid off so-to-speak, admit there are more things we do not fully understand and that we, as humans are not the only sentient being on this planet, Sasquatch are real and if God created everything, then he created Sasquatch too and they should be respected just like we want to be respected.

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