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A battalion of sheep commanded by a lion defeats a battalion of lions commanded by a sheep. In leadership a head is more important than the feet and a head knows the directions that leads him to his destination and his followers shouldn't be ahead of him since he's the one leading them. Even a ship without a compass goes no where and it becomes worse when a person who doesn't know where he's going leading other people guess what their destination will be. A blind leading a blind.
added by Anonymous 1001 days ago 0    0

Obviously you expect to get a fall off because if the leader is blind can he see where the route cause of any problem no, that means even if you spend your time explaining to him or her will not understand .
This one also will happen when the leader is surrounded by people who are Friday than him automatically you expect the fall.
added by Anonymous 1172 days ago 4    0

indeed yes, coz the leader shoulder serve as the example, it like family if dad , the head of family lives his life in messing up, still kids also takes the same way. so this is how it goes.
we all follow our elders and those who we call our leaders

added by 1001118747 1173 days ago 5    0

Exactly true bse the leader is one who leads followers and the leader knows than them so that why they should fall bse of there leader who is leading them
added by Anonymous 1174 days ago 5    0

Here we just need to be wiser not fall in same pit with our leaders ablind man can't lead his fellow blind so let's keep our eyes open not to be fooled.
added by Anonymous 1175 days ago 8    0

With closed eyes oh my dear nothing can be done good and if your a leader you also lead the blind just imagine to do any thing but good enough ,God gave us inner and outer eyes.
added by Anonymous 1175 days ago 8    0

The eyes are the light of the body. Without the eyes, the body cannot function effectively. A blind leader will lead the people into the abyss. Unfortunately, there are many blind leaders scattered all over the world. More unfortunately, they have followers who believe implicitly in their blind leadership.
added by 1000851268 1176 days ago 8    0

Oh my,I just tried one here, it's terrible. Nothing can be done with eyes closed. If only our leaders could look out for the well-being of their people and also listen to them.
added by Anonymous 1176 days ago 8    0

True if a leader is blind then the people he leads are totally in trouble.but the problem is people believe that leadership comes from God. and why should God give us blind leaders
added by Anonymous 1176 days ago 8    0

Once the leader is blind, the followers are also likely to fall off the way.

Imagine that you are a leader,here is a test.
Get a paper and pen,draw a picture of the things you promised to the people you lead,but do this with your eyes closed.
Once you are done,draw the same message on another paper but this time do it with your eyes open.
You can then notice that with the first picture,there are lots of mistakes, it's a cruckade one,very ugly and very hard to interpret. This is the exact thing happening to our leaders today. Their eyes are completely closed,I wonder if they notice the current happenings at all. Oooops!!

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Many people today know whats wrong and whats right, so even if the leader is fooling them, some people will follow his ideas to some extent.
added by 1001092623 1175 days ago 5    0