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We'll yes I can accept to the fact that the smartphones have changed this eras generation for good because not only people can earn money and run their businesses through the smart phones but also even attend a class session without being in the class,get employed without being in an office this is an amazing change to me I think.
added by Anonymous 1043 days ago 0    0

We are a generation which is smart every thing evolved from analog to digital and smart
Smart phones to say have all we need the answers to our questions the knowledge and wisdom but to those willing to search for it those willing to put aside there social media life at are hold and use there smart phones to gain wisdom
added by Anonymous 1166 days ago 2    0

The emergence of the smartphone in this age is of very beneficial to this generation, cause we have entered onto the information age, where to get ahead on life, one has to be equipped with information easily and fast.
added by 1000885064 1166 days ago 4    0

The coming of the Smart Phone brought a technological revolution in this generation. First it was the computer but the Android phone made it look clumsy. Many people are yet to understand and appreciate the positive impact that the SMART PHONE has made in this generation.
added by Anonymous 1167 days ago 3    0

Actually smart phone are going to act like calculators because right now even a young child held lessons, classes on smart phones. I think it a great oppotunity for this generation.
added by Anonymous 1168 days ago 6    0

Smart phone now.every thing is in our hands so long as you have it.just go to internet every thing is possible. Let every one poses smart phone
added by Anonymous 1168 days ago 6    0

The coming of the Smart Phone brought a technological revolution in this generation. First it was the computer but the Android phone made it look clumsy. Many people are yet to understand and appreciate the positive impact that the SMART PHONE has made in this generation.
added by 1000851268 1168 days ago 6    0

The impact of smart phones in today's generation era is so good than ham

Smart phones are the current computers of today's generations and for those who think that it's only for calling,Facebooking and what's up only should change because if they don't change,technological developments will change them hence affecting them negatively

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