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From the beginning that remaining molecules of drugs passed away through urination may start inhibiting the grawth of microorganisms.
added by Anonymous 658 days ago 0    0

One more reason for not urinating on the ground. Especially if you have a toilet in your home. But wait... what about the flushing you think that the antibiotics in your urine also cause antimicrobial resistance in the oceans/fishes?
added by Anonymous 1303 days ago 2    0

Do you know that frequent urination on the soil can cause antimicrobial resistance?

One of the factors that normally cause antimicrobial resistance is urinating frequently on the soil.

This is because, what happened is that, when person have been administered with antibiotics or antimicrobial in general, and took it to his/her body system, atimes some of the molecules present in the drugs will be passing away through urination (that's why atimes we usually sense the ordor of some drugs that we took into our body while urinating) and in which millions of mocroorganisms are their presents in the soil,
From the beginning that remaining molecules of drugs passed away through urination may start inhibiting the grawth of microorganisms.

But since this molecules will not be enough to inhibit the growth of microbes, the microbes will now gradually start to develop certain resistanct to that specific antibiotics,
So whenever those microbes found themselves by any means in the body system of an individual, even when such antibiotics have taken, it will not inhibit their growth, since they have already developed resistance to such antibiotics since outside body system.

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