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Fiat to open their eyes and invest in digital currencies coz this disruption of crypto won't leave them the same.
added by Anonymous 666 days ago 0    0

Everything has its end so its time for the Paper money to faze out and let that digital money come to existence
Paper money helps in spreading corona virus
added by 1001111125 1302 days ago 0    0

Obviously this digital era has to changr everything and especially interms of money, paper money already some countries have started abolishing it and digital is now working. Shortly it will be all over the world
added by 1000965722 1311 days ago 3    0

In the coming years, digital currency will wipe away Fiat money, it's better to migrate before late .
added by 1000982011 1311 days ago 2    0

Yes there has been problems with paper money because some people brought fake ones in the circulation and brought us problems.
added by 1001031254 1312 days ago 4    0

The digital currency has already remplaced the fiat Money in some country ! it's a MUST not an option 'it's already done .No way do it or die
added by 1000905895 1312 days ago 3    0

Digital Currency will wipe off the Fiat currency and this time round the effects maybe more than what happened during the Global financial crisis in 2007/8 where people lost a lot of money when the Cash money or fiat money had lost value.
In africa whenever elections come around the conners the mafias tend to do alot of money printing and mostly geared up by the heads of the State .
And by doing alot of printing too much money normally the money circulation is abused in that it contributes to inflation .
Above all some will have the money yet the majority remain very poor and almost lucking what to eat.
While the Digital currency has steady progress and its hard and very hard to manipulate and corrupt the system with ill intension like corruption where for example a worker may deserve payments of
added by 1001038554 1312 days ago 6    0

Definitely digital currency will or has already replaced fiat money in some countries mostly especially because of this pandemic of corona virus as it may spread through touching of the paper money. But if you transact digitally the virus won
added by Anonymous 1312 days ago 4    0

Because of this corona virus it Being a global pandemic the use of digital currency will be the way to payment and avoid handling paper money because that will be the spread of the virus.
added by 1001084692 1312 days ago 1    0

As a matter of fact, fiat money will only exist in the museums, they will be there for touring. Let's be positive towards crypto let us avoid regrates
added by Anonymous 1312 days ago 3    0

It's a must on the will of God that digital era have to wash away paper money according to what happened (pandemic) it showed the world clearly that paper money have to go, secondly how paper money has lost value and security Wise paper money has Avery poor security
added by 1000915388 1312 days ago 3    0

Paper money is going because we're now in digital era and many countries have now shifted to digital money like mobile money and crypto. Even there is a fear of corona virus on paper money
added by Anonymous 1312 days ago 5    0

This digital era will wipe away paper money(Fiat)

Do you believe that digital currencies are going to wipe away paper money for good? Do you believe that 10-20years from now paper money will be nowhere to be seen? It's time for those who are still blinded by Fiat to open their eyes and invest in digital currencies coz this disruption of crypto won't leave them the same.

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