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It's important for each and every house because no one knows his or her tomorrow or no one knows what the future holds ..most of people have lost great opportunities due to lack of savings .
added by Anonymous 1152 days ago 1    0

It is necessary that we do not squander all the money we make on frivolities. It is a great idea to always put away some money as a saving for the family. The money we save helps in case of eventualities. Hard times are not often predictable and the only way we can cushion it is to fall back on the money we saved.
added by 1000851268 1154 days ago 7    0

It helps it terms of an emmergence, you dont need to tell people that am in danger i need your help, you get it settle your issues then life continues.with out anyone out side known what you have been going through.
added by Anonymous 1154 days ago 7    0

Why saving is important for everyone and every house hold

First and foremost, saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency. Additionally, saving money can help you pay for large purchases, avoid debt, reduce your financial stress, leave a financial legacy, and provide you with a greater sense of financial freedom.
Every one needs that financial freedom

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Saving only is not enough but we need to put things which generate passive income. in this regard investments are the best saving options because keeping money home will be one way saving the problems. Also saving is not having in the pocket but put it best use eg constructing a modern sanitary facilities will prevent faecal related disease hence saving money and time spent in hospitals due to infections.
added by Ntulu Rogers 1154 days ago 2    0