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It helps one to encounter on the in wanted circumstances that occur suddenly ...because if an emergency occurs and finds you have nothing like any saving it will be disastrous for one.

added by Anonymous 1150 days ago 2    0

Earlier today i read somewhere the 3 importances of saving money let me share

First Saving can give you freedom
It can be tough to allocate some of your cash to a savings account if you don’t have a set goal for that money. Why save for later when you can spend on what you want today, right? But among the many reasons to save money is that even if you don’t know exactly what you’re saving for right now, you’ll likely find something you want to save for in the future. A new car, a new home, a child’s education… the possibilities are endless. Plus, it’s critical to have some cash set aside for emergencies and unexpected expenses as they come up.
“It has nothing to do with the money and everything to do with giving yourself flexibility and choice in your life,” says Eric Roberge, a financial planning firm that specializes in giving financial advice to people in their 30s.
“When you have money available in the bank you can do what you want without stress If you’re wondering why you should save money, imagine giving yourself freedom to choose what you want to do, rather than feeling stuck in a particular situation or position because you rely on the paycheck.
How much you should save depends on your financial goals. You may have a tangible goal you want to pursue, like taking a year off work to travel. In that case, you want to estimate how much you’ll need not only to cover the cost of travel, but also to cover regular living expenses if you don’t plan to make an income during this period.

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