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God has many reasons as to why he gave us fingers you people.
1 used to eat.humans are not like animals that use mouth forus fingers do so and softens food very quickly. So use them
added by Anonymous 1157 days ago 5    1

God has many reasons as to why he gave us fingers you people.
1 used to eat.humans are not like animals that use mouth forus fingers do so and softens food very quickly. So use them
added by Anonymous 1158 days ago 5    0

I do not know about food digestion starting with a touch but what I know is that I prefer to eat certain foods, like foofoo and souo, with my fingers. That was how our African fore fathers ate their foods until the coming of the Europeans and other nationals who brought spoons and forks along with them sndt introduced them to Africans. They made them believe that using cutleries to est was better than to us fingers. As for me, I still enjoy eating with my fingers.
added by 1000851268 1158 days ago 6    0

Eating with the hands will only help fitness of the fingers,and the elbows. Due to the movements up and down,in and out. But with digestion,no I doubt
added by Anonymous 1158 days ago 6    0

Eating with your fingers helps in food digestion.

scientifically we can define digestion as the breakdown of food into smaller components that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
i thank that this break down starts right from the fingers because if you happen to touch in the food and you leave if for some good time it will get spoiled a simple sign to show that digestion had already started even before mouth.
i do advise all to use fingers while eating.

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It doesn't matter what u use to put good in mouth the most important is to chew the food in mouth properly be4 swallow it.
added by Anonymous 1157 days ago 4    0

It is the mouth that breaks into smaller particles and forward them in the intestine to do the rest but fingers are like spoon.
added by Anonymous 1158 days ago 5    0