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Many African leaders and politicians sometimes look to me as greedy comedians. All they think about is how to benefit themselves and their families and friends. They do not care what happens to the citizens. This is why I see the death of those who lost their lives in defence of politicians, as a waste.
added by 1000851268 1154 days ago 6    0

African leaders love to stay longer in power with or without people's mandate it's so pathetic and disgusting
added by CRANIMA WARREN SEGAWA 1155 days ago 7    0

Yaa it's true mostly in ug our leaders they don't care about their people they only care about their position even they make it to be there property once voted it became difficult to leave dat position others they want to make it their own king dom
added by Anonymous 1155 days ago 7    0

For sure it is true,
It has lost even the meaning because whether people vote or not the greed one will remain in power.
And this will not stop until God decides what He feels like will be suitable for atlarge.
added by Anonymous 1155 days ago 9    0

Politics in Africa has lost value due to greedy leaders

The essence of constitution in Africa has not been respected by African leaders, it's just a matter of having a constitution is documents but not active, because few leaders in Africa can fulfill the wills of the citizens, majority when they get into power they focus on their personal interests. Constitution amendments are the game of every president on their favor not what voters want.

How do you vote?

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It's selfish politicians without leadership skills who have turned politics to lose it's meaning. Most African countries are under authoritarian rule with greed politicians with selfish interests at the expense of leaving their countries in mess.
added by Anonymous 1010 days ago 0    0

I think they have value because every one is running to politics.
and i think i should participate next term
added by 1001061415 1154 days ago 5    0