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Rainbow Currency (YEM) was founded in 2017 as a clear counter-concept to Bitcoin and virtually all other so-called crypto currencies. The only common feature is the underlying technology of blockchain as an infrastructure.
In order to understand the extraordinary of YEM, it is necessary to take a closer look at the conventional cryptocurrency market.

Thousands of cryptocurrencies have been released around the world over the past few years. Unfortunately, 50% of them are fraudulent and around 40% are projects that failed in their initial stages.

The vast majority of the remaining 10% are not currencies in the true sense of the word, but rather disguised holdings or investments.

Ultimately, there are at most a handful, including Bitcoin, that could in fact only be used as a form of payment. YEM is part of this large family of the most accepted crypto currencies in the world.
added by 1001176362 1151 days ago 2    0

YEM stands head and shoulders taller than all other crypto currencies. If not for any other reasons, for the fact that it is very much available. Secondly , the security of YEM is unlike any other, thirdly, the price of YEM does not fluctuate like all the other cryptocurrencies of the world. Once YEM appreciates, it does not go down..
added by 1000851268 1154 days ago 7    0

True Yem value is now a big deal in the world of crypto currency. It's value adds at a higher speed
added by 1000861074 1154 days ago 8    0

Yem versus the other crypto currencies in the world

Yem is growing stronger everyday by virtual of the fact its well developed system proves to be exceptional and well defined properly streamlined yem will be the strongest currency to come in the next generation

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