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Without coming together in Africa everything is a mess especially in Uganda where you find no one language that can unite people.....
I have been asking my self if there another mashup Country in Africa like Uganda
added by 1000923395 1153 days ago 5    0

I have a feeling that most African embrace togetherness , love and unity but the problem is our leaders who think if they let us unite for any positive cause then it becomes difficult for the leaders to dictate terms and conditions of what should be done and when it should be done

So it's a deliberate effort to keep our people divided.. Or disunited...
added by 1000954336 1153 days ago 5    0

Me am sure if Africans remove that thing of doing things alone jealousy we can develop like other countries,imagine there is aplace if they know dat you have like 200k in your pocket they can shutdown your life,if we bring things of togetherness,respect each other,love our neighbours and leave jealousy really Africa we can go on another grade like other continents .
added by IVAN TUMUSIIME 1153 days ago 5    0

We need all of them as you have mentioned but in some cases it's hard to maintain because of our bad leaders
added by Anonymous 1154 days ago 5    0

For sure togetherness is need in all measures because if you accept to share everything with others because even the the Lord will bless you.
But because of selfishiness, greedy, envy thats why they wish everything for their own.
added by Anonymous 1154 days ago 6    0

We need togetherness and love in Africa and we need to change the way we do things in Africa

An African man was given the opportunity to ask for
anything he wants

The condition was that, whatever he gets, his brother would receive double.

He thought about asking for a house; but he did not like thought of his brother having two houses.

so he thought about asking for a million dollars to go to his
bank account; but again, he was unhappy with the thought of his
brother having two million dollars in his account.

The man sat down
and thought hard, “What can I have and still be better than my brother when he has double?”

so, he thought of having one of his eyes removed so that his
brother might have his two eyes gouged.

This sounds like a very unlikely story; however, this is the typical mentality that has set Africans backward for ages and caused witchcraft to thrive in Africa.

an African wants to be better than his brother at all costs

The African man is only careful:
-to share his beer, not his books;
-to spread his diseases, and not the cure;
-to transfer his problems, and
not the solution

when an African man fails, he wishes his brother same fate so that he won't be the only one who had tasted the bitterness of failure.

An African man is happy when evil besets his brother.

When most African men succeed, they want to enslave their
brothers; they try to make the class gap between them and their brothers widen daily.

An African man wants to outperform his
brother in every area and most African men do not want to let their brothers have any chances of success because they want to be the only ones succeeding.

when an African man gets to sit on a seat of authority, he wants to
keep it to himself and refuse to give anyone else a chance to sit.

in African schools, students who can afford textbooks do not let other students borrow their textbooks because they want to stay top of the class or they don't want to give another student the opportunity to perform better than them.
We need to embrace love’ unity,

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Much as I know that many Africans are greedy, I disagree with some of the points you raised. In my own part of Nigeria it is mostly those who have made it that train the youths. They take them into their homes, where they become apprenticed. For many years, they teach them the business they do.At the end of the agreed number of years, they are settled with reasonable amount of money and helped to establish their own.
added by 1000851268 1154 days ago 2    0