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What went wrong with Liverpool this season it's so disappointing because last season it was very strong but now It is weak is that what they call (ebibimba bika) in luganda
added by Anonymous 1136 days ago 3    0

It's like Liverpool ran out of luck this season. Notwithstanding the many losses, the team and it's manager are struggling to keep their spirits high. It is not the end of Liverpool. I am sure it will bounce back.
added by 1000851268 1146 days ago 7    0

For sure it has been the worst but lets pray for them God will remember them because the one who was first will be last and the last one will be the first. They should not give up.
added by Anonymous 1146 days ago 9    0

The worst season for Liverpool Fc

Liverpool has lost most of the important games including Leicester 0-2,and many others and this makes manger kloop
disappointed. How ever he keeps trying despite having many injured players eg Vandjik,Gomez,and now Anrond.Lets wait and see this weekend.

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