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Yem you get whether by free or that little amount you can afford is worth more than the rainbow that is not on your account
added by Anonymous 661 days ago 0    0

It's in most humans not to treasure what they have and end up yearning for what they don't have and hence losing the little they possess in a bid to get what they don't have. Even with YEM, it's better for onecto appreciate whatever amount they possess on their pernum while being active in safezone sites and getting some FYEM than yearning for what's not in their possession because there some people who might not get 100 yem in years to come.
added by Anonymous 977 days ago 0    0

Yes the one bird in my hands is more valuable than in the bush because what you is the only can stand on to figure me in everything
added by Anonymous 1301 days ago 0    0

That Proverb is very true because you must use what you have to support you instead of wishing to get the bigger & yet what you have hasn't helped you
added by 1001108090 1302 days ago 0    0

Basing on yem, whether free or bought for as long as it's on my pernum it's better than the too much that i have no access too
added by 1001049030 1306 days ago 0    0

Yes its because iTs better to invest at that time than waitng for speculation or many people to join.thats when you can get rid of profits out of it.
added by 1001061550 1306 days ago 0    0

Very true, thereibs asaying amangst the banyakore in western uganda which says that, 'otarekura ekiwakwasire'. Which means you count onto what you are holding but not what you think you will get.
added by 1000965722 1307 days ago 0    0

Yes because a bird in your hands shows that it's yours while birds in bush are not yours you have to first hunt them
added by 1001049122 1307 days ago 0    0

Air is the gaseous mixture in the atmosphere It includes oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Wind is the horizontal motion of air caused by the pressure difference between two places
added by Anonymous 1307 days ago 0    0

A bird in hand is worth more than the ten in the bush

I do apply this proverb to our daily life today. I can relate it to the rainbow currency, the little Yem you get whether by free or that little amount you can afford is worth more than the rainbow that is not on your account

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