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Having twins helps you on the number of times to give birth so i really like them
They really make you happy wow
One child is also good so whoever God plans you accept that fact

added by 1001108090 1310 days ago 1    0

Prefer twins because one day they will grow up be smart and more so that reduces on the no of giving birth
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 0    0

One baby is manageable than twins so I do prefer one because those twins have the tendency of falling sick at once so if you don't enough money you end up borrowing which is bad.
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 0    0

I prefer twins for sure because not only in societies but lndividually, l like them alot and l wish to have one pair by God's grace... And more to that if at alk you want two children, twins will have helped you to produce once hihih
added by 1000965722 1315 days ago 0    0

I prefer having twins than one baby because when you get twins you reduce the number of children you want in life
added by 1001049122 1315 days ago 0    0

I prefer twins because I Carry my pregnancy once and I get my two babies if at all I want four babies meaning I will be pregnant twice
added by 1000864462 1315 days ago 0    0

I prefer one but not twins because they need full attention by all parents and also special care and enough needs provided to both
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 0    0

Do you prefer having one baby or twins?

Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can be either monozygotic, meaning that they develop from one zygote, which splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic, meaning that each twin develops from a separate egg and each egg is fertilized by its own sperm cell.
Producing twins in some societies, is considered as luck.

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