Science is already on the case. In Defending Planet Earth: Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies, a 2010 report by the U.S. National Research Council, researchers highlighted several potential options for fending off an interloper, given a few decades of warning. We could whack it off course by ramming it with a spaceship or two, slowly alter its orbit with the sustained gravitational pull of a spacecraft called a gravity tractor, or blast it with nuclear explosions.
Right now, these planetary defense strategies exist mainly on paper, but some may see real-world tests in the next decade. NASA, the European Space Agency, and other partners are exploring a joint mission called AIDA (Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment) to test the impactor method on the asteroid Didymos when it passes near Earth in October 2022.
How do you vote?
No one knows when the end of the earth shall be, only God can review this to us he only tell us that there sign to its end not the exactly year of it end
added by 1001249430 920 days ago
A big NO, it's a lie because according to the Bible it tells us that no body knows the day when the world is ending so I don't agree with you because God remains it for Him self so God is the one who knows when the world is ending no body knows apart from God the creator.
added by RUDIA MUHAWENIMANA 1320 days ago
This one is a total lie because now one knows when and how it will end because the power is in creators hand not in human being.
added by Anonymous 1410 days ago
that is not the first time science brings such information,.Not all times are the wise men wise,thats just being out of their minds hahahhahahah
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
NASA, the European Space Agency, and other partners are exploring a joint mission called AIDA (Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment) to test the impactor method on the asteroid Didymos when it passes near Earth in October 2022.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
I don't agree that the world will end in 2022 . In the bible, it is stated that no one apart God himself, no the date
added by 1000006686 1555 days ago
Haha hehehe no I don't believe so....the world won't end soon and its comes to end if any dies that' sure it won't before I enjoy my yem
added by 1000923395 1555 days ago
Nooooi, this is really not true because the world has no specific end time only when one dies, thats his or her end but the world continues... Therefore we are sorry withe spitulations of scientists. This is not right
added by 1000965722 1555 days ago
As a follower of biblical prophecies, we are nearing the apocalypse of this world. Many signs point to this event, of which scientists can also best agree. However, the time and when no one can predict. But we are living in the end times.
added by 1000885064 1555 days ago
scientist are ever just making predictions i dnt believe in dt prediction the earth is here to stay God in the bible said he will never destroy the world again so scientist are just using their predictions
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
It is important to note that from time immemorial man has predicted the end of the world and has been proved wrong; it is the same this time round. No one really knows when our world will come to an end apart from the one who created it. I believe our world will ground to a halt when humans will least expect it.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
This not the first or the second time for predictions .they said in 2000 that the earth will end we waited and we didn't see any thing .
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
Scientists are just using machine or science tools made by a man this is not first time them saying that so I don't believe it because I know only God can make it happen
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
This is not the first time for scientists to make such predictions, for example in the year 1999, we were told the work will end in 2000, similarity in 2010 same incident that in 2012 it's the yeah.
So no one can tell when or whether it will end or not.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
The progres that has been made as far as satellites monitoring all the time our planet abd as well as sophisticated and powerful nuclear bombs should give us a mean to defend our globe in my opinion.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago
NASA, the European Space Agency, and other partners are exploring a joint mission called AIDA (Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment) to test the impactor method
added by Anonymous 906 days ago 0 0
The most likely scenario for the total annihilation of Earth? Being engulfed into the Sun as it transforms into a red giant star. As the Sun's thermonuclear fuel, hydrogen, becomes depleted in its core, our star's outer envelope will begin to expand. In this phase of its evolution, the Sun will lose a significant amount of mass, meaning Earth's orbit will also expand.
However, current theory suggests the new orbit won't be large enough for the Earth to escape interaction with the lower atmosphere of the expanding Sun. This means Earth will likely still be vaporised by the growing star.
But don't worry, this scorching destruction of Earth is a long way off, about 7.59 billion years in the future, according to some calculations. Even if our planet somehow survives and remains in orbit around the bloated red giant Sun, Earth's natural orbital decay means it would merge with the dead Sun's remnant. This fate would occur in about 100 billion years.
added by Anonymous 1015 days ago 0 0
For so long, I have heard and read about asteroids impacting the earth and wiping off the world as we know it. Fortunately, none has happened. I believe that in October 2022, everything will still remain the same. Only the creator of the world knows when to wrap it up. . Fear God rather than asteroids.
added by 1000851268 1393 days ago 2 0
I don't have the evidence if this but the ends for only people agree that world has ended for them. But it's absolutely not correct to say that it end at once for all of us, a complete no. Also even it happen there those individuals who remain and reproduce to fill it once again. that is my side
added by 1000852166 1399 days ago 5 0
HAHAAAAAAAAAA the speculative end of the world is the end of HUMANITY on earth . One needs revelation knowledge to have this
brought to book. The lord bless you all.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 6 0