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speak to them with love and respect, they will respond by growing faster and stronger. The opposite is also true.
added by Anonymous 911 days ago 0    0

We should talk to plants as human voice is essential in their growth. In a study performed by the Royal Horticultural Society, researchers discovered that talking to your plants really can help them grow faster. They also found that plants grow faster to the sound of a female voice than to the sound of a male voice. Other studies have experimented with different sound levels and even the kinds of things that are said to plants. Even when talking to them, we should not say what can annoy them and hinder their growth.
added by Anonymous 1019 days ago 0    0

Yah! Plants also communicate in a certain language in case of something so you as a person must also communicate to them
added by 1001111125 1547 days ago 2    0

Plants may not talk back like we do but they certainly communicate ! So their language researchers tend to relate to changes in their aura or life energy.
added by 1000947513 1547 days ago 2    0

I want to add that plants apart from listening and hearing, they usually communicate with each other and reporting to themselves who threatens them.
added by 1000114031 1552 days ago 2    0

Yeah its true people do talk to their plants cos u find most people saying that but you seeds what can I do in order to grow welk
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 1    0

Yes! I agree with you when you decide to talk to your plant , then talk to them good good words in this your plant will grow well
added by 1000950467 1557 days ago 3    0

Yes I agree because it you to decide for t how it will be ,for example you can make it grow facing in adirection you want it to face or grow on if you want to harvest it it can't stop you and you can plant them 2 and they grow when they are two
added by Anonymous 1557 days ago 2    0

Yes by taking care of them, like watering and adding manure as well as weeding. Also when it comes time for pest and disease control, harvesting etc
added by 1000926935 1557 days ago 2    0

Yes, because love means alot to everything. Not only human beings needs but every living things need it even though they don't answer but they hear that we are talking with them
added by 1001049122 1557 days ago 5    0

I talk to my plants daily, i congratulate them for their new leaves/flowers, tell them how beautiful they are, and even pray for them! They respond by growing faster, happy and healthier, bringing joy and purifying the air in my home.
added by Anonymous 1557 days ago 3    0

You have to talk to your plants even if they do not talk back to you

Experiments have been done, and it is quite a known fact that plants respond to the human voice. If you speak to them with love and respect, they will respond by growing faster and stronger. The opposite is also true.

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It may be right but am not certain though I vote pro, so talking to them may comfort you because you have spoken out what troubles you and if you speak it out, you relax but it is better to speak to God rather than a thing which can not answer you
added by 1001099711 1555 days ago 1    0

Hahahahaha with plants those experiments are not reakky because plants have no five senses and how will they understand you, at least if you said animals, l believe
added by 1000965722 1557 days ago 1    2

I don't agree with it for sure because it doesn't add up to my mind even though plants are living things but I don't see any way to talk with it because they don't respond back and its well known plants do not talk
added by Anonymous 1557 days ago 1    2