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fluids will help you replace the fluids and electrolytes you've lost while also loosening mucus — if you have a cold — and helping to relieve congestion
added by Anonymous 667 days ago 0    0

Yes this is true, water helps resolving almost all health problems. As it is said that water is life and without water life would be something else
added by Anonymous 680 days ago 0    0

Body contains 95% water, so getting sick leads to dehydration so taking lots of water keeps the body hydrated, it replaces lost electrolyte and also increases the glomerular filtration rate hence making the person excrete alot of by products of metabolism.
added by 1000913115 1312 days ago 0    0

Very true drinking much water is too good . The normal person should drink at least eight litters of water a day
added by 1000950467 1312 days ago 3    0

Sickness dries the body which can lead to death so drinking a lot of water is necessary to a sick person
added by 1001049122 1312 days ago 3    0

A sick person has to drink a lot of water because the body temperature is high and it brings the body to become dehydrated so that's why anysick person has to drink alot of water
added by Anonymous 1312 days ago 2    0

You should drink a lot when you are sick because this helps you prevent you from dehydration and farther injury or sickness
added by 1001108989 1312 days ago 3    0

Drinking a lot of water is too good since our body is made 90% with water..taking drinks boots immune to fight against diseases
added by 1000926025 1312 days ago 1    0

I vote yes because when you are sick in most cases a person looses apetaite so it means taking too much water help body keep it up with its energy
added by Anonymous 1312 days ago 1    0

Yeah it helps the body to gain back lost body fluids. Let's say sickness like malaria sick person needs to drink alot in order to gain appetite for food also .
added by Anonymous 1312 days ago 1    0

Drinking most especially clean water helps to remove bacteria in the body during Excretion, thus healing the body.
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 1    0

I vote yes because when you are sick in most cases a person looses apetaite so it means taking too much water help body keep it up with its energy
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 0    0

Drinking most especially clean water helps to remove bacteria in the body during Excretion, thus healing the body.
added by 1001022239 1313 days ago 0    0

You should drink a lot when you are sick

Drinking things like water, juice, or electrolyte-containing fluids will help you replace the fluids and electrolytes you've lost while also loosening mucus — if you have a cold — and helping to relieve congestion

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