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A big tree once it was a tiny seed and we shouldn't underestimate the smaller dids for every single day. A person who wants to be great, he must start small and it's those small achievements that compounds into a bigger results.
added by Anonymous 998 days ago 0    0

Yeh success is only for those who persist and focus on their goals without being diverted along the way. So you should be courageous, determined and focused your goals will be attained.
added by 1001096242 1144 days ago 8    0

We have aaying in runyakore that, 'mpora mpora, ekahisya omunyongororwa ahiziba... So once you start, it doesn't matter how much you have but how passionate are you in the small you have started.
added by 1000965722 1144 days ago 8    0

We need to focus on small work because every big thing once started small.
If you start with doing big work you will not know the challenges of getting there. Hence this same challenges can lead you to collapse
added by 1000924621 1145 days ago 8    0

Personally, I prefer to start from a small beginning and work hard at building it into a big business. It pays because you learn along the line. All you need is to have the passion to succeed, work hard and be determined never to give up no matter how it goes. Continue to put in your best, be focussed and you shall reap a bountiful result.
added by 1000851268 1145 days ago 9    0

Its not all about to what kind of job you do but how much to you save and how much time you give in and how determined you are to achieve your dreams.
added by Anonymous 1145 days ago 8    0

Some people tend to minimise small busness where you 100 to 100 and they think nothing you can achieve but in real sense they earn bigger than those busness we call big.
Therefore never minimise someones HUMBLE begining.
added by Anonymous 1145 days ago 8    0

Focus on small works and achieve big dreams.

It's not the matter of kind of job you do, whether it's a large company job or local jobs, whether it's a small scale retail shops and hawker business.

All it needs to be successful is Passion, your spirit of believe and power. If you give up easily than forget about achieving your goals because the difference between successful people and failures is Staying In Power.

Develop your passion, make sure you believe in yourself before taking any action because only your passion determine how long you'll hold to power.

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