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Its true, once you believe in yourself, you will do the impossible. So long as you have self esteem then everything is all abt beginning
added by 1000965722 1151 days ago 6    0

One thing is to have a dream, another is to know how to pursue and achieve the dream. Many people have dreams, they talk about their wonderful dreams but do nothing to make their dreams real. Such people mistakenly sell their dreams to others who apply them and succeed. It happened to someone I used to know. Hahaha!
added by 1000851268 1151 days ago 6    0

Of course all of us our goal is to win and our achieve our dreams that's is the reason y we need to keep our yem for the coming feature like into coming 10 to 20 yrs
added by Anonymous 1152 days ago 6    0

Infact it is very good to believe in your self, encourage your inner man that everything you do it your own, stay focused on all you planing to do.
Tough times mighty come but never to give up.
added by Anonymous 1152 days ago 6    0

The goal is to Win and Achieve big dreams!

Don't ever be afraid to chase your dreams, there is no dream that you can't achieve, all you need to do is to activate your passion, allow yourself to be possess by courage, you need to be brave! Hold on to the power of your drams and don't every give up.

All it needs to be successful is passion, believing in yourself and purchase that goal with your spirit and power. Don't give up so easily than forget about achieving your dreams because the what makes the difference between failures and successful people is STAYING IN POWER.

Therefore; Develop your passion, make sure you believe in yourself before you embark on any missions

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