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Amen and God bless you too. In this world its hard to be appreciated by human beings but as you do good don't espect too much from the people you help voz what you take to be too much it might not look much to them
added by 1000965722 1148 days ago 3    0

Yes even in Biblical life blessed is the hand that gives than the hand that receives , so supporting people attracts blessings from GOD.
You never know that person you helped may be didn't have anything to eat at that particular time now from that help you would have saved him or her
added by Anonymous 1149 days ago 2    0

What God made available to you is not just for you alone. God blessed you with material things so you can bless others.
If you do not, you might end up being unhappy and your joy may never be full. When you give, you will receive and the measure you give is the measure you will receive.
added by 1000851268 1149 days ago 5    0

Yes its not,
But those we help reach at a time when there the one to tell others that we potential to help because we have witches with out proof but because we have axcess to help.
added by Anonymous 1149 days ago 5    0

Supporting others is not bad either parents or other relatives and even friends.

If you are supporting your parents, relatives and even friends with the little you have that is great but don't get anoid or get tired of helping because they don't appreciate you. God or Allah will appreciate you by making your pocket never to run dry. God bless all believers.

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