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Most marriages today have fallen apart due to conflicts and fights in it and failure to appreciate each other but only blames are put up each day and nights
added by 1000965722 1152 days ago 5    0

Yes wrong can't correct wrong , just like darkness can't chase darkness will require light , same to good marriage needs good understudyings
added by Anonymous 1152 days ago 5    0

Many marriages end after the honey moon or after the first few children arrive in the family. The woman concentrates her attention on the care of her children and the man sees the woman as a necessary object at home. There's no appreciation, little affection and no expression of love. The marriage only exists physically with no spiritual connection. It is dead.
added by 1000851268 1152 days ago 6    0


When did you last appreciate your spouse for the sacrifice made in this marriage?

Are you always thinking and threatening your spouse with divorce and seperation?

Is he/she your defense when under siege with family negative comments?

What do you think of him/her when absent?

If you die today, do you think your spouse will miss you or your death will be like a relief?

How do you vote?

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