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Its true, we are created differently and everyone has where os better than others. So appreciate the little you have and be contented and thankful to God because He has areason to why you are the way you are
added by 1000965722 1143 days ago 5    0

No matter how bad you think your situation is, there are people who want to be like you. Be grateful for what you have and who you are. Envy nobody and gossip none. Always remember that God cares for all of us and he will neither leave you nor forsake you. He knows what is good for you. Trust Him!
added by 1000851268 1143 days ago 6    0

True appreciate the little you hve be contented with what you because there people who doesn't hve what you,and never never compare yourself with others see yourself as abig lion in your heart.
added by 1001100493 1144 days ago 6    0

You will know that you are above thousands and thousands of people.

It's assumed that they're about 7++billions of people in the world.
Assuming that all are placed on one line,a line of well being,in terms of health,wealth,peace of mind, freedom, happiness. You will be shocked to see the position you are in and the line behind you is unbelievably longest.

-Learn to appreciate each little thing you have.
-Never compare yourself or compete with others. Each person has their own shortcomings.

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