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It's a miracle to step out of bed by ourselves each morning, breathing without oxygen support, looking out and seeing clearly. It's a miracle. Some are strong but can't walk, they are being pushed in wheel chairs. Some have eyes but are blind. Others have wombs but can't conceive.
added by Anonymous 1142 days ago 2    0

Life is the most important gift to man. But life with good health is better and life with good health and wealth is man's ultimate desire.
When you wake up in the morning and you're able to stand on your feet, please kneel down or raise your hands up and thank God for your life because you have done what many billionaires want to do but cannot. It can only be by God's grace. Shalom!
added by 1000851268 1144 days ago 6    0

Indeed we must be happy because passing through the night its not easy but for the grace of God we found our selves awake, therefore we must he thankful to God for His endless love towards us.
added by Anonymous 1144 days ago 6    0

I always thank God for the new day because l know its not a guarantee that l should wake up live and clear, many jave died and others are sick bit am live and kicking why not appreciate to God. May all thw honour and glory go back to HIM
added by 1000965722 1144 days ago 7    0

Be happy when you wake up alive

Many people don't usually get the chance to enjoy life as they wish they could. This is because we usually expect too much out of life yet life has a lot to offer in the smallest details. Be glad that you woke up and have food on the table, you are not sick and you are happy.

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