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Economics is a social science concerning production, distribution and consumption of wealth. It's of great paramount to study economics to enables one to know and understand how a country's resources are being distributed and managed.
added by Anonymous 1008 days ago 0    0

The economic stability of a country determines the stability of the nation and how other countries view it. That is why some countries are referred to as Banana Republics. The more a country is able to provide for it's citizens the better it is regarded in world affairs. Although I am not a student of Economics, this submission is quite educative.
added by 1000851268 1149 days ago 4    0

Economics is a social science and if it deals with men and wemen behaviours in the the society i think it is okay because human beings are the one to determine the economy of the country. Whether to be good or bad.
added by Anonymous 1149 days ago 4    0

What do we mean by economics and why study economics?

Among the phenomena that influence our society, those that affect the economy attract a lot of attention. Unemployment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, employment, productivity, investment are terms that we come across every day in the news media. It is not always easy for the uninitiated to disentangle the mass of information that is communicated. Economics is the discipline that aims to understand these phenomena and analyze the relationships that exist between them. Specifically, economics studies how a country's resources are used to meet the needs of its citizens. She is interested in the operations of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economics is divided into two great interrelated branches. Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole and studies the factors that determine a country's production, employment and price levels. Microeconomics is concerned with the behavior of individual economic agents and studies, among other things, how prices are determined in a given market.
Where does economics stand in relation to other disciplines? The field of investigation of economics is very broad and overlaps with that of other disciplines. This is normal; given the complexity of the world around us, it is often advantageous to approach problems from different angles. Since economics is a social science, it obviously has a lot of kinship links with other social sciences, such as sociology, political science, etc. Like the latter, it aims to analyze the behavior of men and women living in society. It differs from other social sciences because it is more interested in the quantifiable aspects of these behaviors. The phenomena mentioned above (unemployment, inflation, etc.) can be described fairly well with quantifiable measures. For this reason, economics makes much more use of mathematical formalizations and statistical analysis than other social sciences. Economics is also related to the administrative sciences. Like thes

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